Set in the distant year 2142, this gripping tale begins when a Weyland-Yutani space probe uncovers a chilling discovery—a Xenomorph lurking within the wreckage of the legendary USCSS Nostromo. Meanwhile, on the mining colony Jackson's Star, young orphan Rain Carradine finds herself drawn into a daring mission alongside her reprogrammed synthetic brother, Andy. Persuaded by her ex-boyfriend Tyler, Rain and a small crew—including Tyler’s fiery sister Kay, his resourceful cousin Bjorn, and the bold Navarro—embark on a dangerous journey to an abandoned spaceship. Their goal? Recover cryostasis chambers that could secure their escape to the promised haven of planet Yvaga.
Now available on our site, watch this sci-fi adventure come alive in a breathtaking 2D to 3D conversion that will immerse you in every pulse-pounding moment. Don't miss this visually stunning and emotionally gripping experience!
Now available on our site, watch this sci-fi adventure come alive in a breathtaking 2D to 3D conversion that will immerse you in every pulse-pounding moment. Don't miss this visually stunning and emotionally gripping experience!